Blog Epilia

Does the sun and laser work well together?


No! Tanned skin is the enemy of the laser.

At Epilia, we ask you to always come with your skin totally free of tanning (minimum 8 weeks without sun or UV sessions).


Because the target of the laser is the pigment. If the melanin in the skin has been activated, the risk of skin burns is very high.

During the first informative consultation (free of charge) at Epilia, your laser assistant will remind you that if the area to be treated has a tan, the treatment cannot be carried out.

If you are already undergoing treatment at Epilia, you can however continue your sessions after the summer. Don’t panic, the hairs destroyed at the bulb won’t come back. And you will start seeing results again as soon as you resume the treatment.

Have you recently been exposed to the sun and have an appointment scheduled with Epilia in the coming weeks? Remember now to postpone it by contacting the secretariat at 03/830 66 80.

The good news is that the underarms and bikini area are rarely exposed. They can therefore be treated without any problem, even during the summer.

Our Epilia patients reviews

La 1ère consultation chez Epilia est GRATUITE et sans engagement.

Pourquoi est-elle importante ?
Il s’agit d’un rendez-vous informatif vous permettant de tout savoir sur l’épilation au laser.
L’assistante laseriste vérifie si toutes les conditions sont réunies chez vous pour le bon fonctionnement du laser (type de peau, type et couleur du poil, âge, soucis hormonaux, …).

Il est indispensable de réaliser une première consultation avant tout début de traitement chez Epilia.

The initial consultation at Epilia is FREE OF CHARGE and without obligation.

Why is this so important?
The initial consultation is an information session that allows you to find out everything you need to know about laser hair removal.
The Laser Technician will check whether you meet all the conditions to ensure the laser works optimally (skin type, hair colour, age, any hormonal concerns, etc.).

It is essential that the initial consultation is carried out before commencing treatment at Epilia.