Blog Epilia

Do you know how much you are spending on your hair removal routine?


Aaah, those glorious summer days when you have to shave every other day. Or is there an alternative? It’s a great time to ask yourself the right questions.

How much does it cost?

Have you ever wondered how much time and money your daily or monthly hair removal routine actually costs you?

Do you know how much you are spending on your hair removal routine?

Many women worry about excess hair.

  • One study* reveals that a woman who uses a razor for hair removal will, on average, spend about 8 weeks of her life, and around 7,200 euros, getting rid of unwanted hair.
  • A woman who prefers waxing twice a month will spend 25,500 euros and use up some 482 hours of her life! That is crazy when you think about it …
  • What about laser hair removal?

We often think that this type of hair removal is more expensive than waxing or shaving. That is not the case!

In the long run, this hair removal technique will save you both time and money. Women who turn to laser hair removal spend an average of 3,300 euros over their lifetime. And the ultimate benefit of this technique certainly lies in the time they have saved as they only spend a total of 16 hours of their life with their laser assistant. Compared to the 482 hours mentioned above, the decision is quite easy to make.

What about men?

Hair removal is becoming more and more popular with men who are looking for a cleaner look or those who are embarrassed to strip because of unwanted hair.

For many men, regular waxing or shaving can be a real chore. Permanent hair removal techniques (and thus not having to shave or wax repeatedly) are therefore also a great solution for men.

At Epilia, we treat all areas of the body, except the eyebrows, for both women and men.

Will all of the hair be gone after a laser session?

Laser treatment works best with hair follicles that are in the new-growth stage. However, only a small percentage of the hair will be in that stage of growth at the time of your laser session. This means that it will take multiple laser hair removal treatments before all of the hair is completely gone.

Good to know: the number of sessions greatly differs from one person to another depending on the physiology of each person. Ideally, you will book a free initial consultation. At Epilia, this first consultation is completely free and it is necessary in order for the treatment protocol to be carried out properly.

During this first appointment, we will provide you with all of the information you will need prior to the laser treatment and establish a personalized package according to the areas requiring treatment.

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La 1ère consultation chez Epilia est GRATUITE et sans engagement.

Pourquoi est-elle importante ?
Il s’agit d’un rendez-vous informatif vous permettant de tout savoir sur l’épilation au laser.
L’assistante laseriste vérifie si toutes les conditions sont réunies chez vous pour le bon fonctionnement du laser (type de peau, type et couleur du poil, âge, soucis hormonaux, …).

Il est indispensable de réaliser une première consultation avant tout début de traitement chez Epilia.

The initial consultation at Epilia is FREE OF CHARGE and without obligation.

Why is this so important?
The initial consultation is an information session that allows you to find out everything you need to know about laser hair removal.
The Laser Technician will check whether you meet all the conditions to ensure the laser works optimally (skin type, hair colour, age, any hormonal concerns, etc.).

It is essential that the initial consultation is carried out before commencing treatment at Epilia.