After your laser hair removal session at Epilia, it is important that you take care of your skin to minimise any irritation.
Straight after the laser session:
- Immediately after the session, some redness and slight bruising may appear but will disappear quickly.
- Your technician will provide a hydrating cream to be applied directly after your session. This stage takes place in the treatment room at the Epilia centre.
- If you notice that the area is hot still or itchy the following day, please contact our telephone answering service immediately.
- Your laser technician will provide guidance and will answer all your questions in order to continue your laser treatment protocol.

Here are some useful tips and precautions to follow:
- The area treated needs to be kept intensely moisturised during the 3 days following the session, both morning and evening. To do this, you can use a moisturiser, ideally pH neutral and without perfume. It should be noted that it is important to keep your skin well hydrated throughout the treatment protocol.
- Avoid using abrasive exfoliants.
- The hair follicle will be ejected in the 3 weeks following the treatment. We recommend that you exfoliate 5 days after your session.
- If you have laser treatment on your underarms, avoid using deodorant on this area for 24 hours following your session.
- Avoid overheating the skin (no hot showers or baths). Also avoid using swimming pools (jacuzzi, sauna and hammams) for 48 hours following your session.
- Total ban on sun exposure (this includes, UV lights, lotions and self-tanning creams). This recommendation applies throughout the treatment on the area on which laser hair removal is performed.

Can I have hair removal or shave between laser treatment sessions?
- Shaving is not advised between sessions. Over the course of the treatment, the remaining hair regrowth will slow down and the hairs will become increasingly fine and sparse.
- Other hair removal methods that take out the hair follicle should also be avoided between sessions (waxing, tweezing, electric epilator, etc.).
How should I prepare for my next session?
- It is appropriate to shave or clip hair shortly before your next session so that the hair is short (maximum 1 mm). Women should not shave their face or areas with peach fuzz.
Your laser technician will indicate what will be appropriate to do ahead of your next session at Epilia.